Woman Discovers Her Dad Dozing Off With All The Neighborhood Dogs

It’s not unusual for Catey Hall to check on her father and see him dozing off on the couch. However, Hall’s father never sleeps by himself because dogs from the neighbourhood join him to form a huge, cosy pile.

According to Hall, “Dad sees, plays with, and takes naps with one or more of these dogs every day.” When they spot his car, they hurry up and follow him inside.

Lon Watson, Hall’s father, has always had a passion for dogs and works with the neighbourhood animal shelter Pound on the Hill to make sure all animals receive the care they require.

My dad has been saving stray dogs for as long as I can remember,” Hall added. “We always had a dog when I was a kid.

However, there was always space for a lost animal in need. Now that he and his wife are living alone, there is space for many. However, not all of the dogs are rehomed, and some of them remain with dad forever. They work with local rescues to find homes for the dogs in need.

Watson and his wife have all four of their resident dogs that they have saved and rehabbed.

However, Hooch, Fluffer-Nutter, and Rosie, who all live nearby and have a special connection to Watson, pay him a visit every day. The dogs in the area are content to wait all day for a quick encounter with Watson.

With every dog he encounters, Watson simply seems to have a way. Even Hall’s two dogs attempt to participate. When Dad comes to visit, they actually try to leave with him, according to Hall.

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