A small, twisted-legged grey and white kitten that loves life and is overjoyed to have found the family she always desired.
Lady Purrl, please!
She arrived at the Alaska Cat Adoption Team when she was about 9 weeks old in search of a better life. So they got in touch with Alaska’s KAAATs, who manage special needs animal programmes. Shannon from Alaska’s KAAATs set up a consultation with a veterinarian so they could assess her condition.
It was crucial to determine whether she was in any pain and whether she had a chance of living a fulfilling life.
Shannon said, “Thankfully, the vet was open to learning about our purpose and the work we perform. “Lady Purrl’s quality of life turned out to be considerably better than they had anticipated. This cute little puffball is brimming with sass, charisma, personality, and determination. Lady Purrl’s fierce, strong, and loving attitude won over everyone at the veterinary facility.
Her x-rays showed that an old spinal injury was the cause of her bent legs, but her disability hasn’t stopped her from moving forward. She has the same abilities as other kittens to run, jump, and play.
She quickly made herself at home at her new residence (KAAATs), where she had a teddy bear for company as she slept.
Soon, Shannon started introducing her to the other local pets, such as Cinder the dog and HarPURR the cat. Like Lady Purrrl, HarPURR has lost use of his rear legs, so he was thrilled to have a new playmate. “HarPURR and Lady Purrl were whizzing around like the little whirlwind kittens they are, with such a great message about how to appreciate each moment, live life to the fullest, and absorb up the love around you.”
Cinder was ecstatic to see the new kitten, too.
She was excited and wagged her tail because she had already fostered a lot of rescued pups and kittens. The newcomer immediately won the hearts of everyone there, and Lady Purrl was overjoyed to join this wonderful family.
Check out the video to watch how she moves quickly: