The owner discovers her cat snooping off to cuddle with her pet rat

As the fortunate owner of four pet rats, MacKenzie Allmon of North Little Rock, Arkansas, is a true animal lover. She loves dogs, cats, and even rats.

Allmon claims that her animals are her entire world. But until one day when she discovered her cat Jagger in an unexpected location, she had no idea how much some of her animals would love one another.

A year ago, when Allmon was still a little kitten, Agger entered his life. He was actually conceived in Allmon’s garage.

The Dodo quoted Allmon as saying, “In our old neighbourhood there was a flea market nearby and people would give away kittens there — but at the end of the day if they still had some left they just turned them [free], which caused our neighbourhood to be flooded with feral cats.”

One of these feral cats was friendly and slightly chubby around the waist. Allmon stated, “We took her in and she gave birth to kittens in our garage.

With the exception of one kitten, with whom Allmon had an especially close attachment, the mother cat and all of her kittens were adopted by Allmon and her family. She said, “I just couldn’t give him up.”

I’d say Willow is his favourite, according to Allmon. “It all began with her because it was she who went outside and first began holding him. They adore one another wholeheartedly.”


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