Sweet Girl Can’t Adopt A Cat Due To Her Wheelchair, But ….

Beautiful things take place when the stars align and committed people prioritise providing delight to other souls. One timid cat’s entire world was flipped around while he was living on the streets of Florida. For this deserving cat, a difference was made by many people.

He was rescued from his life of homelessness, not by his saviour. It wasn’t the shelter that spent the time finding the ideal household for the animals.

You see, Kiley uses her motorised wheelchair to navigate through life. Which, regrettably, can sound rather threatening to feline ears. Finding the ideal companion cat for her was proving to be particularly challenging because of her naturally shy personality.

Although they had been to many shelters, the cats and kittens dispersed when they got there. How do you console a youngster who has risen to the challenges of life with dignity? when all she really wants is to open up her heart to a feline peacemaker.

During one of their meetings, her mother, Lori Griggs, had expressed her difficulties and promised to find that cat. This time, it took place in Palm Harbor, Florida, at the Suncoast Animal League (SAL). The rescue vowed to keep an ear out and an eye out for any cats or kittens that might be a good match after their visit.


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