Meet Zuu, the cat who resembles how you feel when your alarm clock goes off

Although we all adore cute kittens, only the funniest and best ones go on to become legends and memes. One of those cats is Zuu. He is chock full of potential for memes.

He appears to be a ball of floof because of how round he is. He has a cranky but endearing face. His markings give the impression that he is always fatigued or astonished, and that his mouth is always open. What person could not adore this cat?

If you thought one entertaining cat was enough, you might be surprised to learn that the cuddly Zuu shares her home with Bocco. You’re sure to smile and laugh when you see the two cats.

It’s nearly impossible to tell from the way they both look that they are both unhappy with life.

Owner of Bocco and Zuu Chika, who posts frequently on Instagram under the account pechanko bocco, has 1,930 posts and counting. Over 97,000 individuals keep up with the activities of the two cats. On June 26, 2016, an exotic shorthair cat named Bocco was born. Zuu, an Exotic Longhair that was born on August 21, 2017, is a bit younger. The two exotic cats are both male.

Chika, the owner of Zuu and Bocco, has said, “Two cats sleep all day while I’m at work; I assume they sleep for about 20 hours per day.”

Bocco is a quiet boy who is uncomfortable around others, yet he enjoys getting massages from me and follows me around the home. He and the hedgehogs I had in the past also used to get along well. When he encounters dogs at the park, Zuu is less fearful and more receptive to them.

In addition, Chika stated: “I used to post images of my hedgehogs on Instagram, so it seemed only natural to do the same for my cats. I’m genuinely amazed that we’ve recently attracted so many fans.

When people compliment the photos and say they smiled as a result, I am overjoyed since that is how I feel when I look at them.


Image credits: pechanko_bocco

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