Man detested cats until he unintentionally met a kitten that transformed him

Despite the fact that TakaBaka, an Imgur user, has always regarded himself as a cat hater.

After serving as a paramedic and a fireman, he was given a PTSD diagnosis a few months ago because he frequently experienced awful visions and couldn’t sleep without them.

His personal life started to suffer as a result of the lingering trauma. He genuinely struggled to cope, turned to alcohol, and damaged relationships because of his mental instability.

He wasn’t aware that his life was going to totally change while he was at a party when one of his friends offered to give him a kitten. Hello, my friend has free kittens! You ought to take one, his pal had said.

He agreed to the offer and went to get the cat before stopping at a pet store to get some much-needed supplies. Once at home, he gave the cat the name Shiro and used Google to learn everything he needed to know about raising a kitten. Soon after, they became close friends, and TakaBaka began to train Shiro while seeing him develop and gain knowledge of his surroundings.

He claims that Shiro’s support got him through this trying time, and he wants to inspire others to pay attention to those dealing with PTSD or despair. Shiro undoubtedly aided TakaBaka in overcoming his troubles; this small white cat arrived at the ideal time.

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