Kitten found Caught in a Tree Chooses to Reside with the Couple Who Saved Him

When Ashley Pennington heard a small meow from her surroundings, she was out walking her dog. She searched her surroundings in an attempt to determine the noise’s origin but was unsuccessful.

A few while after she arrived home, the meowing started up again and grew louder. Ashley told Love Meow, “I was a little worried that a cat was in the crawl area, so I walked back outside and eventually spotted a kitten hanging out in a tree.

He couldn’t get down because he was so small, so I ran and got our ladder.

Ashley believed that was it after carefully assisting the kitten to descend from the tree. The tabby boy approached her, touched her legs, and then made the decision to hang out near her house.

The kitten dashed inside the house when he noticed the resident dog, Otis, in the yard (Otis loves cats).


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