On Wednesday, Hanover County firemen successfully freed a kitten that had been stuck in a storm drain for a whole three days.
Animal Control and the Hanover Fire Department collaborated on the rescue. The kitten may not have lived even one more day, according to witnesses who saw it.
Leigh Bolick, one of the firefighters who responded, said that the animal “might have been gravely hurt, let to drift away or die.” Every Wednesday in Mechanicsville, it takes a courageous effort to save even the smallest life.
Neighbor Trey Boze said, “You could hear the cat wailing in the sewer system. He and others attempted to catch the kitten on their own but were unsuccessful. You merely feel sorry for the animal.
Jordan was fortunate enough to be able to chase the kitten down to Bolick at the other end of the pipe when he saw it at the bottom of the drain. Bolick quickly rescued the cat and took it to safety.
The rescue has been hailed by the firefighters as a little triumph for the agency.
Jordan said, “It’s always good to have a positive impact, whether it’s on a person or an animal.
The kitten’s safety has brought relief to the neighbours, they told 8News.
Boze said, “As long as the cat’s healthy, you’re set to go.”
The kitten is currently receiving medical care at Hanover County Animal Control to become well.