Fendi, a cat discovered on the side of the road in Greenup, Kentucky, was a success story that The Riedel and Cody Fund shared. Sadly, he had fractured his pelvis, two legs, and had possibly been hit by a car.
Thankfully, a delivery man spotted a starved Fendi and picked him up to take him home. The driver-turned-hero and his wife then searched online for rescuer assistance, and gosh, did they find it—and then some!
Late in March, Waggle joined up with Cole and Marmalade to help raise money for Fendi’s needed veterinarian care. The nonprofit Waggle website provides a way to raise money through the power of the crowd for animals like Fendi.
Importantly, all funds go directly to the treatment of the animal.
Fendi was the loveliest cat despite being in a lot of discomfort, as was mentioned on Waggle. He was extremely appreciative and loving to the rescuers when they gave him food.
Perhaps Fendi was left hurt in the field for days because he was so kind to his rescuers (It had been so long, his injuries had started to heal improperly).