Elaine Seamans, the founder of the Atchoo Foundation, discovered Valentino in a Los Angeles County animal shelter.
No one dared to touch him. They even mistook him for a girl. Valentino had sarcoptic mange, a mite-caused skin illness that generally affects dogs. It can be transmitted to people and cause a slight rash. He was likewise caked in filth, and his eyes were closed.
Valentino reached out to Seamans as she passed by, despite his blindness. mewing at her Seamans elected to pick up the kitty and embrace him sans gloves because he felt the kitty needed human touch. Then she contacted a friend from the group Leave No Paws Behind, Inc., Toby Wisneski.
Valentino was so sick and frail that Seamans was afraid he’d die in her arms. He was rushed to the vet, where he was diagnosed with a bacterial illness and a bleeding ulcer on top of the mange. His health had obviously suffered as a result of these.
Valentino, on the other hand, was a warrior. He reacted favourably to treatment. After he was able to open his eyes, his rescuers discovered that they were green.
Despite his ailments, the cat’s overall health was good. He was quickly on his way back to health.
Valentino turned out to be a lovely senior tiger cat when he had totally cleaned himself and recovered in May. When his foster home became his forever home a month later, he became a foster failure.
Valentino is a shadow of the ragged pariah he was when Seamans rescued him in February. He is now raising donations to help save other senior animals like him.