Dedicated Cat Brings Gifts to Human’s Grave Because He Loves Him So Much!

Toldo was adopted by an older man named Iozelli Renzo when he was only three months old.

The two instantly connected on a miraculous level. Northern Italy’s Montagnana was where Renzo and his family called home.

The Corriere Fiorentino said that Toldo had been visiting Renzo every day for the past year and leaving tokens of his affection at the tomb. Renzo passed away tragically in September 2011 at the age of 71.

He provides plastic cups, toothpicks, tiny twigs, and leaves. Really, a little bit of everything, said Reno’s widow Ada

The cat accompanied Iozzelli’s funeral procession at first without anybody seeming to notice until later, when he started to make regular journeys to the cemetery, bringing little gifts and sprigs right to the gravestone.

Ada said, “Sometimes he comes with me, and sometimes he goes by himself.

They found an acacia sprig on the grave the day after the burial, and later that evening they observed Toldo keeping watch just close to the grave. The kitty’s kind gestures were personally witnessed by numerous individuals when the tale swiftly caught on in the community.

Now that everyone in town is aware of him, Ada said. He was fond of my husband. Something else was it! The only people left are me, my daughter, and my son-in-law, who is also quite friendly with us.

Cats are family for life, always!


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