When his children summoned him to witness a snake slithering around in their backyard, a parent in Scotland assumed they were joking.
Bruce Baker was in for a surprise, but he’d also need to mount a full-fledged rescue mission.
Baker wasn’t met with just a garden snake as he turned the corner. A 7-foot-long boa constrictor was in his backyard.
Baker was able to persuade the boa into a box with the desperate assistance of a neighbour until the Scottish SPCA arrived shortly after. Officer Jamie Cameron came on the scene and immediately apprehended the snake.
For the time being, the snake is being held at the SPCA’s adoption centre in Edinburgh, and if his owner does not come forward, he will be placed for adoption.
Cameron stated in a news release, “He is pretty thin, so we suspect he has been straying for some time.”
While it’s unclear how long the snake has been without food, he’s in the best possible condition to heal and return to his warm, comfy home. Baker and the snake are both presumably relieved.