Cat Picks Up Wheelchaired Girl and Lays on Her Lap as Family & become a great Companion

Cat Picks Up Wheelchaired Girl and Lays on Her Lap as Family & become a great CompanionHearing about a cat that has been saved and turned into the ideal friend never fails to inspire.

The human father of Internet celebrities Cole, Marmalade Jugg, and Zigzag is Cat Man Chris, also known as Chris Poole.

He devotes a lot of his time to caring for the colony cats in his neighbourhood and frequently lends a helping hand to neighbourhood animal shelters by rescuing, trapping, and rehoming cats and kittens that are discovered on the streets or living in appalling conditions.

He observed a new newcomer, a stunning white cat, one day while he was out feeding the colony cats.

He was quite friendly and hungry, so Chris reasoned that he must have been once owned by someone, perhaps a family relocating from the adjacent apartments.

Chris observed that this cat appeared more often and frequently responded when Chris called out to him.

He certainly appreciated the free food, and Chris bringing a catnip toy was a big hit!

Chris decided that this cat needed to be removed from the streets and placed in a new, permanent home.

He used a cat carrier as a trap, and the entire process was simple thanks to catnip.

It was time to transport him to the animal shelter so that he could be examined and check to see whether he had a microchip.

It was always possible that he hadn’t been abandoned and had instead been a lost cat.

Everyone could see that this cat liked to be around people, but little did they know that he was about to become the purr-fect friend.

He was now known as Richey and quickly won the hearts of all the volunteers. He frequently jumped up into any open lap in search of attention.

And as you can see, he is the ideal friend for Kiley.

It’s wonderful how he spends most of his time giving her licks and affection, showing that they have finally discovered a cat who isn’t scared of her motorised wheelchair.

It’s really lovely to watch them both become into close friends.

Richey and Kiley would want to express their gratitude to Cat Man Chris for making this all possible and for making them so happy.


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