An unlikely friend is given to a family’s ginger cat, and the two develop an incredible bond

These two friends not only have an unbreakable friendship but they also appear to be twins! Meet Wallace, a Flemish Giant rabbit, and Gus, the ginger cat, who is Wallace’s dearest friend in the entire world.

When Wallace was a little child, he first met Gus the cat. Gus grew increasingly possessive of his brother from a different mother over time.

Since the beginning, cuddling has been their favourite activity to do together.

Wallace eventually grew to be just as big as Gus, but their love had also developed.

Wallace is a favourite pillow for Gus to cuddle up with.

Wallace, who really admires Gus, grew up with him. Gus adores his rabbit and lavishes him with affection, care, and protection. Wallace thanks him by serving as Gus’ soft, cuddly pillow when he takes naps.

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