The Humane League of Lancaster County in Pennsylvania received Macy, a mother stray cat, and her litter of 10 kittens in exchange for a shot at a better life. The cat decided to raise some of the kittens from a separate litter as her own.
The other mother was nowhere to be found and never came back, but a Good Samaritan who discovered both litters was able to capture Macy.
By the time the group of eleven needed assistance, Macy had already started raising all of the infants as a large blended family.
Since then, Macy has been caring for all ten. She has merged two litters of kittens, according to Wilma, a Humane League of Lancaster foster worker.
After the whole adventure, Macy was a little apprehensive and worried, but she soon settled into her safe residence and felt right at home in her cosy, warm nest. She stretched her toes, covered in all 10 kittens, and rested.
“It didn’t take her long to show her cute, cuddly attitude.”