After removing the puppy from the river, the man attempted CPR to revive it

Particularly vulnerable are small animals. The world turns into a very frightening place if they are away from their mothers. One man realised he needed to take action right away when he noticed a little dog swimming down the river. His diminutive body seemed to be dead.

He was grabbed, and the man rubbed his chest in an effort to resuscitate him. Although the puppy was struggling to breathe, he could see that he still had life in him. Without significant intervention, the puppy would definitely pass away. But what was going to occur was amazing!

He dashes inside and calls for a water bottle made of plastic. In order for him to utilise it as a funnel and breathe more air into the puppy’s lungs, his wife chops it at the bottom. similar to an oxygen mask

The man blows into the puppy after placing the funnel over its face. Air enters his little body deeper with each breath. Finally, the puppy replies by taking deeper breaths. He gets up and moves. Oh my! It’s effective! The small, lifeless dog changes in before of the hero’s eyes.

The video footage is just amazing;

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