In Iceland, particularly on gloomy, chilly winter nights, two terrifying mythical cats named the Yule Cat and Ghoul Cat are sure to keep you on your toes.
By chance, did you receive any warm clothing for Christmas or the holiday you celebrate, such a sweater, socks, or mittens? If not, and you reside in Iceland, the Yule Cat, also known as Jólakotturinn, may consume you.
The cat will peer through the window as it towers over dwellings. Then, it will check to see if you are donning a fresh winter outfit. If not, you might become dinner for the cat.
The Yule Cat looks like an enormous, fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat, like a Maine Coon. According to some scientists, the Norwegian Forest Cat, which was once housed on Viking ships, is a direct ancestor of the Maine Coon.
Now, the majority of us might not find wearing warm winter apparel all that thrilling. However, this winter myth from Iceland makes wearing brand-new, snug, warm clothing a necessity! Similar to the Krampus in Europe and the Namahage in Japan, these tales scare or instruct wayward children to behave.