A cat lover first dove into a river in an attempt to save a kitten, but the rescue wasn’t successful. After the kitten climbed into his Mercedes to hide, he also had it disassembled.
This cat-loving man (from Taiwan) claimed that he pulled over after spotting a kitten perched high in a tree next to a bridge. The kitten sped off and fell into the river below when he attempted to scale the tree to save it.
Then, to prevent the kitten from drowning, the man dove into the river. The terrified, drenched, and fleeing kitty swiftly climbed up inside the engine of his Mercedes to hide as she fled from her saviour. Whatever the man and the other rescuers did tried, the kitten wouldn’t come out.

At the dealership, nearly the entire cat had to be disassembled.
After the kitten was set free, she was fed, dried off, and brought to the veterinarian.

The true effort would be persuading his fiancée to let him keep it, Joe replied when questioned about the time and effort he spent into saving one kitten.
The kitty DID end up being adopted by a man, and he brought her home, according to reports.
View the exciting footage of the man having the dismantling of his Mercedes to liberate the trapped cat.