A determined cat travels 40 miles to locate his lost family after a move

In hopes that his real cat, Oliver, would return, Halie Kutscher’s 9-year-old son cuddled an orange cat Beanie Baby for weeks.

The boy was unaware that Oliver was travelling nearly 40 kilometres so they could be reunited.

The Kutscher family recently discovered their cat had vanished as they were preparing to relocate from Bridgeport, West Virginia, to Morgantown. They laboriously decided to leave without him after a thorough search, promising to go back to Bridgeport and look for him.

Kutscher told The Dodo, “We knew that we had some time to keep coming back to the old house to look for him, so we were still hopeful. “We would return there on the weekends.”

But Oliver was never there when the family came back.

My son… would cry nonstop whenever we left without seeing him, Kutscher said. “Watching it was heartbreaking.”


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