No one is left behind, a cat keeps six kittens with her at a car yard until help arrives

A mother cat and her six kittens were discovered in an industrial container at a car yard earlier this month, and Best Friends Felines (BFF, an animal sanctuary in Brisbane, Australia) was notified.

Nikki of BFF told Love Meow that “it was uncertain how long she was in there,” adding that “she appeared quite malnourished under her fluff.” The seven-member family was sent to the veterinarian right away for a checkup.

The cat mother Aurora was struggling to feed six hungry mouths while also going hungry herself. She nursed her babies and kept them alive the entire time they were in the trash bin.

Aurora arrived at the scene of the rescue quite weak and worn out. “She arrived unable to walk properly on her back legs despite being frighteningly skinny. We wanted her and her children to receive a thorough health examination.”

The mother cat ate the entire bowl of food in one sitting because she was so happy to get it. After a protracted ordeal, she was finally able to obtain the much-needed rest knowing her family was secure.


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