Thanks to volunteers, Feral Cat Hank Undergoes Dramatic Transformation

Hank, a cat living ferally in Lake Worth, Florida, was adopted by the Animal Friends Project in the spring.

The large black cat had terrible mange and was almost unrecognizably a cat until a caring woman came upon him.

Unfortunately, he had long had problems with his health. The lady who was feeding him also disappeared.

Thanks to volunteers, Feral Cat Hank Undergoes Dramatic Transformation

After receiving veterinarian attention, Hank became irritable and unsociable. Despite Maria’s father, who is 90 years old, offering to watch over him, the rescue team felt he needed to be watched over.

Hank would therefore be cared for by Noemi, a volunteer with experience caring for medical fosters, as he recovered from a variety of health difficulties. The volunteers requested money because it would be quite costly.

Hank was truly in excruciating pain as he walked the Lake Worth streets. But thanks to the Animal Friends Project, he would now receive thorough veterinary care as well as affection.

He had already made “great improvement” after one week. The following month, Hank started to take on a completely new appearance.

The cat needed mange treatment and had to have its matted fur removed. Hank, who had just gotten a new haircut, was somewhat depressed but had improved. But it was only the beginning.


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