Larry, a ginger cat, now has new humans and a new closest human friend after being “unwanted” by his devoted owners. Abel, the young human he met in his new home, ended up becoming his lifelong guardian and dearest friend.
The anecdote was told to Kitty Army by Michelle, Abel’s mother, who said, “I had always wanted an orange cat so when a friend’s vet needed to get rid of 2 year old Larry for getting into their food supply cupboard, I didn’t hesitate to adopt him.”
He was just as amazing as people had always said orange cats were, according to me.
“Larry fell in love as soon as Abel arrived at his house. Larry was frequently to blame for Abel’s initial smiles and chuckles. ‘Yarry’ was Abel’s first word when he was 9 months old.
Larry moves closer to console Abel when he begins to cry. When he walks from one room to another, Abel makes sure Larry is with him. Larry can put up with more than I ever thought a cat could or would.
Although we’ve had many wonderful cats, this one is absolutely unique!