Recently, the public has become aware of the horrors involved in tiger cub petting and large cat breeding. Sadly, the most horrific violent offenders received the majority of the publicity. But a bright spot is beginning to show with all of this attention.
Laws are being proposed on behalf of the magnificent animals. The government is closing roadside zoos and imposing stricter regulations on the breeders. And hopefully there will be more.
In Indiana, at a breeding facility, Dash’s tale begins. Four large cats lived at a junkyard a quarter mile up a one-way hill in the middle of nowhere. After the facility’s owner passed away, two tigers and two lions were abandoned.
His relatives couldn’t be bothered.
Five employees boarded two trucks and travelled to Indiana for 12 hours via car. They had been informed that the rescue would be a little trickier than usual. The animals were all mated couples that couldn’t be split apart, and the site was up a one-way slope in what would be considered a junkyard.
As they walked around the property, they recorded several broken “junk” mounds scattered across small chain link walled enclosures.